Next Monday, June 28, is the deadline for submitting your abstracts and proposals for participation to the 7th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents that will be held online from November 18 to 20, 2021.
Please remember the following key points related to abstract presentation in the AITANA2O21:
1) Prepare your abstracts in English or Spanish (an extension of 250-300 words). Proposals can be submitted in the format of communications panels, oral communications and posters focused on psychopathology in children and young people, and evaluation and treatment in the clinical and health area.
2) Access the abstract submission platform and register if you have not yet done so.
3) As a last step, register your work through the submission platform! The selected abstracts will be part of the congress abstracts book (with ISSN), edited by Ediciones Pirámide and will be eligible for any of the announced awards.
Do not forget this date and participate in the AITANA2021 by submitting your best works!
June 28, 2021
Deadline of abstract submission |
First wave of acceptance of abstracts |
July 12 2021
July 15 2021
End of reduced fee registration |
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